Summer has passed and Fall came and went quickly and winter is now here. We await more snow before the dogs begin pulling the sleds. Right now they are still free running. The puppies had their first session of playing on the ice yesterday. That is always an interesting time to see how they react to something so different. They loved the water and suddenly they are on top of it. All 4 did wonderful and had a great time.
The garden and green houses went well. 1043 potatoes were dug. Yes, they were counted…not by me. The last of the tomatoes are ripening in the pantry. Fishing was not good for us this year as low water hindered our catch at our usually good fishing hole. We tried various different spots with no better results. The chums were there but spread out over the shallow shelf that runs for several miles here at our site.
The chinook run was good for us and we managed to get more strips done than we have in many years. That is a pleasant treat all winter.
The boats are pulled and the fish wheel has been wenched up the bank to its parking spot, a 2 to 3 day process. It is now time for us to breath deeply and enjoy a bit of slack time as we catch up on chores around the place.
Alas, we did not get a moose or caribou this winter which means a bit more hunting by the guys. Rabbits and grouse are probably going to be seen a bit more on the dinner table.